Plastic free July 2024

It’s Plastic Free July: “Refuse single-use, choose to reuse” to win delicious prizes


Join UNSW's Plastic Free July Campaign: Ditch single-use packaging on campus and enter our draw to win free coffees and vouchers for The Lounge, Roundhouse, or Thoughtful Foods! 

Evey year, the global Plastic Free July campaign helps millions of people ditch plastic and single use packaging worldwide. UNSW has been taking the issue of plastic pollution seriously and has significantly reduced plastic consumption through the Plastic Free Dining program. This year, we are encouraging our UNSW community to address the issue of single-use packaging on campus while celebrating the 75 years anniversary of our University!

Every year, Australians use a staggering 1.84 billion single-use coffee cups. If we were to fill the Library Lawn with cups collected over the course of one month, the resulting pile would tower 16 meters high🤯 At UNSW, we estimate that around 6 cups per minute are being used!

Eliminating the 500,000 cups used annually on campus, would save:

  • 11 tonnes of paper (and save trees 🌳),
  • 1.7 tonnes of plastic,
  • and 4.5 tonnes of overall waste! ♻️

And this is just the cups, not even all the food packaging we use every day on campus.

Here's how you can get involved and be rewarded for your commitment this July:

Action 1: Take the pledge and win delicious prizes:

How? Enter the pledge here and commit to keep doing/start doing at least one of the following actions:

  • Bring my reusable cup to order hot beverage on campus
  • Bring my reusable food container to order takeaway food on campus
  • Bring my reusable cutlery to eat on campus
  • Bring my water bottle and enjoy free water refills on campus
  • Say no to disposable lids (cups and containers) if I must use single-use options

You will enter the draw to win one of the following prizes (one entry per participant, 20 winners announced weekly by email notification):

  • $25 The Lounge voucher (10 to win)
  • $25 UNSW Roundhouse voucher (10 to win)
  • $25 Thoughtful Foods voucher (20 to win)
  • $5 Coffee voucher at Plume Cafe or Home Ground Café (40 to win)

Action 2: Visit our Plastic Free July Stall – 10th July, 11 am – 2 pm, near Library Lawn

Want to know more about plastic free and reuse best practices on and beyond campus? Visit our stall in front of the Main Library between 11 am and 2 pm on 10th of July. We will have resources to share, quiz, and a mug library to enjoy your daily coffee waste-free.

Bonus: You can win one of 50 Huskee cups, Café Brioso vouchers, and reusable cutlery packs.

Action 3: Join the Film Society to watch “ALON” – 11th July, 6 pm, K-E12-220 - UNSW Business School

The Film Society is joining the Plastic Free July Campaign and will be screening the award-winning documentary ALON. Join us from 6pm at the K-E12-220 for free pizza, enriching conversations between participants and an inspiring call to action.

Bonus: Huskee cups prize draw on the day.

Sign up here to book your spot.

Action 4: Make your commitment visible:

Share your journey and inspire others to join the plastic free and reuse movement! Tag #BYOunsw on social media and Yammer and show UNSW community how you are walking the talk.

You can also enjoy BYO discounts at partnering retailers on campus.