UNSW Urban Growers (UUG)

About Us

UNSW Urban Growers is a staff and student initiative to cultivate vibrant green spaces across our campuses. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just curious to get your hands dirty, our community gardens offer a unique opportunity for hands-on learning, interdisciplinary research, and reconnecting with nature right here at UNSW.

Our journey began in late 2019 with the creation of a raised-bed garden at Barker St Carpark. Since then, it has been used a living classroom, a peaceful retreat, and a hub for restorative community action.

The garden is open to everyone—drop by anytime to enjoy a quiet lunch at the picnic table, explore the plants, or take a break from your busy day to garden. We also host seasonal working bees, where our community comes together to nurture the garden and grow fresh, organic food.

Our Location: Barker St Carpark “The Cage”

Our first campus-wide Garden is called “The Cage". It is located on the northeast corner of the Barker St carpark. It was established in 2019 with funding from the Scientia Education Academy and the Grand Challenge on Rapid Urbanisation. It features ten raised beds that are available to all UNSW staff and students for research, teaching and growing foods. There are also fruit trees including lemon and pomegranate trees.

Benefits of Urban Growing

Our garden offers many benefits, including Teaching, Research, Wellbeing and Greening. 

Food growing is incorporated into a number of courses at UNSW, with the opportunity for it to be adopted in many more across disciplines or subjects. For instance, students can plant food as part of their learning about urban agriculture, intellectual property, food security, art and design, or environmental humanities. Students can also grow food for practical classes in biology and ecology, as well as learning about concepts related to public health nutrition, food security, environmental management, obesity, and chronic disease prevention and management. Contact Dr. Sophia Lin (sophia.lin@unsw.edu.au) if you would like to bring your teaching or learning to the gardens.

There is much food-growing related research that can be done at UNSW but some requires growing space. For instance, staff in WaterGUM research the ways in which plants, including edibles, can be used to clean stormwater and wastewater in cities. Staff in Built Environment explore the planning, design and ecosystem services aspects of food growing, to inform our understanding of and capacity to positively intervene in our rapidly growing and densifying cities. Contact Dr. Sophia Lin (sophia.lin@unsw.edu.au) if you would like to bring your research to the gardens.

When we are grounded in the more-than-human world, our physical and psychological health improves, the immune system is boosted, which can benefit our long-term health. When we get outdoors and put our hands in the soil around a common goal, we also create opportunities for social connection, which brings further benefits to overall individual and community wellbeing. See how to join us below.

One of the great challenges of rapid urbanisation in the 21st century is keeping our cities — where the vast majority of us dwell —liveable. We can survive and thrive by making our shared urban environment regenerative, in part by planting food. In dense urban environments like UNSW, with limited space, we must be innovative, growing food in gaps between buildings, as well as inside and on buildings. Growing food in these ways can counteract urban heat islands, reduce energy costs, clean the air, and increase food resilience. It also contributed to achieving UNSW’s nature positive target. Please contact Mylene Turban (m.turban@unsw.edu.au) if you would like to collaborate around sustainability initiatives and outreach in the gardens.

Join Us

Discover the joy of growing your own food and be part of a movement that’s making our campus greener, healthier, and more connected.

Urban Growers – Summer Garden Bee Tickets, Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite
Urban Growers – Fall Garden Bee Tickets, Tue, Apr 1, 2025 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite
Urban Growers – Winter Garden Bee Tickets, Tue, Jul 22, 2025 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite
Urban Growers – Spring Garden Bee Tickets, Tue, Oct 7, 2025 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite
Urban Growers – Summer Garden Bee Tickets, Tue, Dec 9, 2025 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite